Yup. I don't agree imagination is has ever been lacking though. Just defunded, beaten down, discouraged. even genocided.
I don't think we should blame people for this, but actually a system, a live system.
Its the emergent property associated with all of us acting for profit.
Profit is the energy con taking all the energy out of the planet.
Money is energy always in markets, priced in KWhrs, which convert also to calories, the energy gained when money makes money, or when a little enetgy in labor is returned by more energy in money, has to come from the planet because only the planet can respond with more energy out, to a little enetgy in, for any length of time. Obviously it can't do that forever, but there is an opposite force, trickle charging the planet, just at a much lower rate than we are discharging it, with now 8 billion hands to the pump.
Its the sun, and we only just got the technology to convert that directly to KWhrs and even calories (See "Solein"), and money (pow tokens), and fuel (hydrogen), all of this being product, creation of which are things other than heat.
This is real creation, the same kind as plants do, or did before we removed a large proportion of them, photosynthetic creation.
Its by ramping this up, we can move all those 8 billion hands from destruction to creation.
We might see this is what every plant does, when it first forms leaves, the direction of energy flow within the plant changes direction, from negative upwards, sucked out of the Earth against gravity by the plant doing work with the energy it sucks, before it forms leaves, in the opposite direction of the energy from sun to Earth, this was a kind of miracle, we don't really know what force drives that other than the free energy principle of every cell of all life, to minimise uncertainty of its own energy supply, each one has to work, to contribute to the end result of the plant forming its first leaves.
Humanity just formed its first leaves in the form of the solar farms all over Earth.
Now we need to learn to stop doing the work of extraction, and just allow the energy from those leaves to just flow down, through all humanity like the energy in nutrients issued in response the energy from the sun landing on those leaves.
Money is our human equivalent to nutrients. This is our main energy carrier throughout all people. Maybe we just didn't know it until now, but that is what money is, always, physically, energy.
We now simply have to align that with the currency of nature, to let it do its thing, conducting the energy we all need to metabolise, at least 150 Joules per second, each of us 24/7 to live, doing our thing in the new non working creative mode, creating, in whuchever way we wanna create.
That means issuing it for free, no longer any condition to do work for it, this is the only way we can align it with the physical energy now coming into the economy in the form of KWhrs fron all solar farms.
Issue of that money, for free, to all people is the final link in us moving to this new creative mode.
Everything changes after that. No more petty theft, no need for enforcement forces to police it. Everyone will be expected to demand the money they need, this will no longer be seen as something shameful.
To get it, we should demand it now.
Afrer that is issued, everything else falls into place, everyone implements as much solar hydrogen production as is needed on a distributed domestic and community basis, to keep all aerospace in the air, all industry turning over, all cars on the road, all people fed and creating, and we grow as a population to many times the amount we are now, creating rather than destroying, powered directly from the energy of the sun, reducing planetary temperature, paying back our energy debt to the planet as a species, replacing the planetary heat sink that was fossil fuels with hydrogen, which we will naturally produce in excess of what is consumed.
To get that, all we need to do is demand the solar indexed stimulus starts to be paid, with no shame, it's money already owed to us.
Its already in excess of hundreds of billions of unmonetised economic product created from solar in every developed country.
Failure to issue it, whilst solar continues to relentlessly grow, like the leaves on a tree, is the real, physical reason for inflation.
This inflation is different from any seen in history, there is only one way to stop it, just issue the goddam money reflecting the economic product being created! :)