Your words, not mine.
If you researched my background you might be better informed on what I might or might not know about nuclear reactors, and energy in general.
I started as a hardware engineer in the utilities industrial electrical metering industry about thirty years ago after studying electrical and electronics engineering for ten years full time before that. In the years that followed I became a multiscipllinary Systems Engineer, working both in my own business, combining the experience I'd gained working in senior Engineering roles on land, space, underwater, both military and civilian systems, often including nuclear systems. By then I was chartered with what was the institute of electrical engineers, later known as the institute of engineering and technology (IET). My full list of qualifications read as BEng MSc MIET CEng. I also have two energy related historical patents, and embarked voluntary working on the energy problem when seeing it coming during PhD candidate work on a related subject, about six years ago.
In that six years I have now written more than 300 stories on the subject in Medium alone.
Is that enough for you?
How about you, what qualifications give you such certainty nuclear is so great?
Btw if yelling those words is so embarrassing, why do you, only you, keep saying them?