Your prognosis looks like an unprovable conclusion of a minority who wish to maintain the status quo.
Banks need to be superseded to move on to the next stage of survivability of our species, and it is happening with undeniable physical proof.
Bitcoin, and any other significantly power intensive proof of work token networks are mostly solar powered now, since that is the form which returns the most profit.
How can money printed from nothing but backed by regional authorities on threat of violence, financial or otherwise, compete with worldwide money backed by the extraterrestrial, greatest authority of all, the sun?
It can’t.
Which is why it is being exchanged in ever greater scoops, and is likely to continue to doing so until all credibility is gone from fiat.
There is nothing they can do about it but join in.
Who really cares which country contributed the most to this financial revolution?
The outcome is the same whichever way it is played.