Your article is good, almost multidisciplinary, but it is missing something fundamental, which I am not surprised about.
It is missing any connection with. or consideration of energy.
Adding it might require you to learn a whole new discipline, in addition to your already impressive range, but I have hope;
Missing from your article is any connection with the sun, which is the single source of energy of all creation.
Everything we’ve done, until very recently, has been independent of the sun, the zero-sum economy.
That is why we assume everything is finite, all resources, all energy needed to do anything, all things.
All the while, for millions of years, plants have supplied the energy for all life, fed by the energy donated from the sun.
Calling that energy flow 'A’;
We came along, evolved our intelligence and the profit driven business model to produce machines, and developed an exponentially growing appetite for energy, 'B’.
To feed 'B' we’ve found all kinds of ways to extract it from Earth, such as oil, and even most "renewables", except the sun, until very recently.
A has a duration of millions of years, ongoing, and B has had a duration of about 150 years.
Obviously B is unsustainable.
Earth, as a natural battery of energy, trickle charged by A, has been significantly discharged, by B, with the symptoms of discharge being the environmental issues we are experiencing.
By B, we are literally undoing everything nature created by the sun.
A charges the battery, B discharges it.
But there is hope, in the shape of some recent technologies, namely, proof-of-work tokens, and solar panels.
By that we see energy as wealth from the sun being pumped into the back door of our formerly closed box economy.
We might recognise that process is A x 10^p
In other words, exponentially scaled recharging energy, where the exponent is still being defined, related to population, and proportion solar powered. There we see the means by which we are connecting to the sun, in the same way as plants, becoming a new interface between the sun and Earth, positively complementing the action of plants, adding useful work to Earth, at a rate capable of quickly recharging the battery.
That, is like a miracle, very few can believe it is actually happening, but it is, nonetheless.
Accountants don’t know how to deal with it yet, but they are going to have to learn.
Investors definitely don’t know how to deal with it either, but they have to learn also.
It obviously affects growth projections profoundly.
I would guess you are far better equipped than me to adjust those, so I won’t try, but I hope you can see it invalidates all of the projections you’ve identified.
However, it does also amplify the importance of the asymptote.
Humanity has been working on a kind of placenta, dependent entirely on the energy stored in Earth, but now we are just taking our first few breaths of the energy outside of Earth, the energy of the sun.
See how early we are in our development as a species?
Of course there is still an asymptote, just as in any growing organism, and we will reach it as a mature intelligent species one day, but it is probably completely independent of the things we thought previously.
You can read more if you are interested in my piece about the “Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge”.