You think that a tree absorbs sunlight before it forms leaves?
Dude you can make all the noises that sound technical, fooling maybe some folk, ignoring some very simple facts even a five year old knows, but it is all just snake oil. I am not sure what drives you to do that, you sound like an investor maybe trying to make excuses for investing in something harmful, but which is likely to make you some profit, mybe who knows. Everyone can see the harm financial investments are doing.
Do you think I write in Medium to try to get you to financially invest in something?
No. My usual business is complexity management. I've done if for thirty years. It normally doesn't come cheap. I use some very expensive formal tools and techniques to that. I act here in just the same role as I have done for thirty years, a Systems Engineer, offering systems Engineering Expertise to folk trying to make sense of the most complex systems we know. But this time I am doing it voluntarily, for nothing, in fact at my own expense, because there is global disaster currently unfolding, including war, as a result of financial investments in some very damaging things.
We have to undo that mess.
Undoing it means simplifying it, not complicating it.
If we don't learn from how nature does things, and it really isn't complicated, we are finished, this is the lesson nature is in process of teaching to us. That is very clear to me, and it should be to you too.
I will say it again; there is only one energy source. It is the sun. It created everything we know. It comes to us for free. There is no energy source on Earth, only stored energy in materials and fields in Earth. All of those store a finite amount of energy. Energy taken from any of them is taken from a finite source, therefore is limited, and causes harm if it is not put back. The extraction process always has other harmful effects including pollution. There are no exceptions to this, continued use of energy from Earth is continued, unsustainable harm.
Our financial debt translates directly to an energy deficit with our planet, all promises to pay are promises to extract, and all bank money is currently issued on that basis; money-as-debt, This ties us into extracting forever if we allow it to continue, so we have to change it.
I could go on now to explain how money has to, and is moving to represent the Joules of energy arriving in sunlight, rather than gold or any other kind of capital. It is right that it should do that, because the energy from the sun is donated, not a product of extraction, no labor is expended to have it, it is pushed to us. The system effect of that propagates through to everything, in a way that we have to work with it, by doing the same, we must issue free money reflecting those Joules of energy, to satisfy the ideals of Austrian economics.
You can see inflation has started, money has started to move away from representing capital. To maintain its value in markets, it has to be tied to the Joules of energy arriving from the sun, being put to use by us.
Until that is done, we will see all things continue to deteriorate, because we are not correctly valuing the energy of the sun.
What I've described is a single path through the energy system jigsaw.
But the Jigsaw is big, there are many possible paths. I've explored many, and they all lead to the same place; all corroborating one another, all energy comes from the sun, if we don't use it, then we are trying to deny nature, and it will not allow that. We perish if we try to use our human logic to work differently than nature does. We comply or die. Nature is the grand authority, and the grand money issuer, energy is her currency, not capital. We have a debt to our planet, an energy debt, which can only be paid back by the energy of the sun. Nature will pay it back for us, after we are gone but it will take a long time. Or we can pay it back quickly, and survive.
You can refuse to accept this John. Lots do. All I can do is use my skills and tools to the best of my ability to try to help educate, but in the end, I can't force anyone to open their eyes and just see, they have to want to see.