You still need to use money issued as debt to put around 3kWhrs of that vegetarian food in your mouth every day, so you are an energy slave like the rest of us, doing your part to increase the global temperature, by all of your enegy coming extracted from the planet, thrown to heat along with all the losses in extraction and refinement, all applied to the thermal mass of the planet.
Virtue signalling about not eating meat is a convenient way to avoid thinking about that, I guess :)
Further, since you are consuming food made from presumably plant materials, you are consuming part of the photosynthetic life that would carry on putting the energy of the sun to use as things other than heat (applied to the thermal mass of the planet) if you hadn't ate it.
So you contribute to planetary temperature rise in more ways than one, like we all do, we all have to, as long as the energy we at least need to metabolise has to come extracted from the planet.
So if you really want to do something towards stopping the temperature rise, you need to do what you can to assist us to switch the energy supply from planet to sun, by rerouting money to flow from sun to all people, instead of from planet to all people.
By that we change the net activity of humanity from destruction and temperature rise, to creation and temperature drop.
Hence why we need to move to domestic and community based solar hydrogen, backed by forever solar indexed stimulus, which is needed to monetise the energy of sunlight received for free from the sun, nothing asked in return.
Mass creation of hydrogen then will replace what was lost from the planet as fossil fuels, rebuilding the entropic reduction heatsink, whilst keeping all aerospace airborne, none of it producing pollution any longer, and still the net activity of humanity cooling, rather than heating.
A bonus for you will be the widespread availability of a new kind of high protein vegetarian food from hydrogen, crated originally from sunlight, which we can consume to reduce at least some of the load on the conventional food chain (See "Solein").
Then we meat lovers might get bigger fish and animals to eat :)