You seem to be keen to get to the truth of religions. So here is a question for you, one which might be relevant to the planet starting to burn right now: It's said that some folk were instructed by a burning bush, to hoard grain for seven years, because this (the burning bush prophesied) would be followed by seven years of famine. Apparently it was proven correct, those who listened to it, therefore fitting it's criteria of "The chosen people", who hoarded grain as instructed, found themselves in control of the lives and deaths of those that didn't. We even see accounts of a famous biblical figure, one of the hoarders, a man who in the end had four wives, finally getting to marry the daughter of a former noble, after 14 years of chasing her, the noble having sworn to never hand her over, but did in the end (suggesting the noble might have been enslaved, therefore had no choice)
I write how systemically, we still practice a form of slavery, we are actually still locked into physical energy slavery, we do it by money, abstracting energy, systemically blinded by commodified (single discipline) education, to not see the full multidisciplinary truth of the unsustainable, destructive, deceptive energy lie that it is. The energy slavery might date back to whenever profit first started, because profit could not have always existed, given it is the energy in profit that is applied to the thermal mass of the planet. So it actually only had a predetermined short life, limited by availability of energy to extract from the planet, the energy we could extract before planetary temperature becomes unsurvivable.
My question is, did the instrument of profit exist before that? Did slavery even exist before that? I dispute that it existed in Egypt, and was used to build the pyramids, as popularly claimed, because I've done the maths showing building the pyramids by the methods officially documented is ridiculous, physically practically impossible, there has to have been some long lost higher technology there, probably annihilated by profit, as we are seeing happening to higher technology right now.