You see this clearly, and you work for Marriot, which is maybe preferable to what you did before. I would guess you still don't feel that is right for you either, but you can't say your true feelings about your current role, that would be you giving up your job, but you need the money, right?
We know this affects a lot more than just 30 odd percent too don't we. A lot more and counting because the pressures of all profit driven business are increasing beyond bearable for an increasing number of people, hence the great resignation.
Physically, underlying all this corporate and actually all profit driven business is money and the way it works to transport energy.
Money can appear to flow in one direction whilst energy, the actual thing of value, is transferred in the opposite direction.
A profitable business deal results in energy being transferred from one party to the other.
Whoever received the energy was not necessarily the party making most profit.
See profit isn't about value, its a kind of deception. Profit is used to claim gain, when actually it could be loss, if the loss is experienced by the group we are members of, for example. Hence why a small group of elites can gain at the expense of the majority by selling off group assets in terms of energy transfer.
What energy did they gain if their money devalued in the process? What did anyone gain if the world died a little in the process?
Entire governments and all media networks are dependent on their users and subjects for their energy, which all comes physically extracted from Earth.
Hence the system of actual physical slavery, and it is physically unsustainable.
Every participant is reluctant yet all are forced to participate.
It can be different, but we have to learn to start using positive energy at the corporate and government levels.
By positive energy I don't mean something wishy washy new worldy.
I mean the mathematically positive Joules which are added to Earth from the sun, the only Joules added to Earth, the same Joules that create all of life on Earth.
In comparison, Joules taken from Earth have to be quantified as negative, to show they are removed from Earth, not added.
When we create anything by using negative Joules, then whatever was created benefited the few whilst costing the majority.
It was necessary to get to the point technologically where we could begin using positive energy, now we are there, the solution is community and domestic solar backed by hydrogen for all transportation.
To have it, we must issue money on positive Joules put to work on Earth, in the same way as plants issue nutrients in response to Joules received by their leaves.
Then it is free to flow down to all needing it.
Every corporate entity is a community. Every government is a community, the railway is a community, Every platform is avcommunity. Marriot is a community, all have to consider the technical challenge of implementing solar hydrogen to supply all their energy and wealth needs.
There are a few specialists who know how to do that.
A lot more are needed.
I work on creating the tools that need to be used, but this work is unfunded, time limited by the funds I have available since my last roles in negative energy.
We are already about twenty percent into this switch, from negative to positive energy, but still no money is issued on it.
When money starts to be issued on it, inflation at last will turn around, enabling us to complete the switch within only a year or two, when all folk will pitch in together, fully motivated to get the job done.
That day can't come soon enough, it seems to me.