You see clearly the opportunities lost due to the senseless wastage of life of the first world war.
The same applies to the second world war, and all the mini wars occurring in between, like now in Ukraine, but before in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Don't forget also Palestine.
And all the people who died roundabout, vaguely connected to all wars, and slavery, and colonialism, from starvation and illness.
And everyone dying prematurely due to lack of medicine which actually cures rather than just maintains.
All of this has a common theme, a single underlying driver which drives all of it, and I would argue science has played its own part in the harm done by neglecting to identify it.
Nikola Tesla identified it, and tried to put it right, but was cancelled.
If he had not been cancelled, but allowed / empowered to complete his work of Wardenclyffe, things might have been very different.
All of the issues trace to our use of profit, and money as debt, which tie us into energy by extraction.
The need for everyone to live at profit, is down to where we get our energy from.
Get it from only from finite, limited sources, and this includes fusion, if it was ever to be achieved by profit driven endeavour, and we stay locked into living only for profit, until our planet becomes uninhabitable, when we will perish on it, along with all other life on it.
Get it from free unlimited source, the only one we know is the sun, and the need for all to live only for profit is broken.
Again, Nikola Tesla knew this but was cancelled, for profit.
The only way out of the death spiral that humanity is now on, is to break the spell of profit.
Seeing this I think might require religion, because science as stands seems to lack the spirituality to be able to understand the reason for its own existence, and to see the part it plays, where it plays it, in maintaining the spell.
There is only one clear solution to the energy problem, interlinked with the drive for profit.
The solution is solar backed up by hydrogen.
We could have this in only a year or two, if science was to see it, understand it, and declare it.
But it prefers to write books politically biased to claim such things as water remaining in practical hydrogen produced by electrolysis being "Pollution", when in fact water is something positive to life.
There is a seeming infinity of cases like this, micro-misinformations, which systemically add up to gross misperceotion, such that we can't even see the power of our only source of external energy, the sun, which looks like a mains socket compared with a battery when we can see it clearly. All we need to do is plug into it, and all possibilities of profit, and all motivation for wars, and actually all crime, is ended with the removal of all need for value in capital, and the removal of all need for profit.
Many scientists have spent their entire lives, working on micro truths to prevent this, without even realising it.
To me this is the biggest tragedy of all, if we can't realise this, and change it whilst we still have the power to do so, nothing else is happening, this is the end of the line for humanity, and science plays a pretty big part in that end, by being itself driven only for profit.
"Net zero" is one of the biggest fallacies ever, concealing and confusing the true nature of energy, how nature uses it, how we must use it, to end the misery of mass death, and gain the infinite possibilities of lives allowed to flourish.
This is religious, there is no other way to reconcile it.
Science has to formally recognise the differences in outcome from working on mathematically positive vs mathematically negative energy, and do what it needs to do, to convince those in power that this is the only way out of the dead end we are racing into.
It can be done using the techniques of formal systems Engineering, which as yet academic science appears not to have used much, except to plan things like space research, which nowadays is profit driven, funded by profit seeking VC investors, even if that profit is by political "kudos" gained by said investors.
Do you dare take a part in fixing this, Avi?