You get that you / we all are energy slaves as stands, right?
You need to always get more energy back, in response to the energy you expend, so as to take more energy than you give to some other human, who then has to do the same to another human, and this propagates all the way back to the planet, which is the only thing that can respond to a little energy in, with a lot more out.
Thats how the current system operates, it's what enforces kids to work in mines, and their carers/parents to put them to work in mines at the end of the chain.
You and I are part of that, until we find a way to break the energy slavery. We break the energy slavery when we make energy ubiquitous, available to all, never restricted, never scarcity enforced. If you wish to remove all the injustices you need to fix the system at the most fundamental level, energy.
There is no way we'll achieve that by legislation, hopefully you can see that every effort of humans to legislate other humans with the best of heart, always ends up corrupted, Enshittified.
If you really want to fix things you should seek out how to fix it at the energy level, and recognise where this is being done. Domestic and community solar hydrogen is the system solution, this backed by money issued permanently to all as solar indexed stimulus, under the overall control and automation of the solar powered Ai.
Suggest you need to make your identity clear also to show you are more than just a ghost who needs take no responsibility for the consequences of your words.