You display your own capacity for inhumanity if you believe that the masses can't do good by themselves. Accusing any crowd of not being able to make the right decisions is the start of dehumanising them / us. It implies they /we have "less than human" "Intelligence". I am guilty myself of calling certain folk and crowds of folk low-brow, because to me violence and aggression is the less intelligent, unsustainable way to deal with any problem, it can never work to create sustainability, it is all part of death of the whole species and actually all life on Earth if we are not careful.
To me, the only thing wrong with "The crowd" right now is that we are all mathematically negatively powered, when we should be positively powered, and bacause this is not something generally accepted yet, it can be dangerous to try educate on it, seeming more like witchcraft or religion than science or Engineering, but personally I don't care because to me it looks like we either learn this harsh truth as a species or we are done, very soon, much sooner than conventional science would have us believe.