You could always try using caps to shout louder, it might hammer the doctrine in better.
Aha you already did!
OK you could try quoting someone using the word "Honest" to describe themselves in their profile, saying the same as you, everyone will believe them, if they don't believe you, right?
The honest sorceror is nothing of the sort. I've called them out as a shyster working maybe with banks, maybe even being the voice of a bank, and they just banned me from their materials. That doesn't look particularly honest to me.
How can a person be honest, if they start out by not being honest about their identity? Honesty requires the courage to put our own skin in the game.
I've shown all the systems Engineering, all the maths, using the tools of my long practice as a systems Engineer in industry.
If folk just have the courage to make the leap into a new, actually truly generous, honest way of being, it actually solves all the problems, instantly.
Virtue signalling won't do it, even if you shout it in caps.
As for Hagens, mentioned by many people in many places, he is wrong also. I don't know of the others, why would I spend the time researching them.
What you folks claim to be evidence, is physically impossible. I don't know how come you don't see that very basic piece of logic, and actually, sanity. Impossibility is not for the proving, the burden of proof is always on possibility. There can be no such thing as proof of impossibility, and it's pretty dishonest to try to claim otherwise.
It's also relatively easy to whip slaves into self destruction, and there might be motivation for some to do that, so the the whippers might get to live a little longer on what they perceive is a finite pot of resources, when actually, physically, the scarcity enforcement is something done completelly unnecessarily, because physically, the energy and new product created from it is there now, waiting to be monetised.