You are right about the enlightenment part imho, this is something I think can happen to kids also who are "Denied" traditional education for any length of time, in fact Gen Z now are close to this due to the gap that happened during covid, as far as I can see.
Greta Thunberg is a good example. Which brings us to energy.
My own work over the past six years carried out voluntarily for no financial returns (As yet, but towards a UBI for all) shows that it is all related to energy and where we get it from, and understanding this helps us see and understand the real purpose of nature, and our part in it.
We are actually much closer to catastrophe than most folk realise, yet realising this is key to avoiding the catastrophe. This is how I see and agree with you it is existential.
On Bullshit jobs, those relate to energy by being only possible by energy extracted from Earth. There are ways of formally showing and proving this systemically, which most of the traditional academic world does not yet accept, but they will, I am sure.
Anyhow, Ai seems to be at the epicenter of all the systemic considerations, and the timing of its "Arrival" seems pretty uncanny, just in time to save the day, it seems to me.
Could be coincidence or miracle, depending on how we would like to see it, I guess.
If I am right, it will be the one appointed to become the Grand controller, tasked with issuing money to all as necessary to channel energy from the sun most effectively to all people, unconditionally, so as to maximise value added to Earth, using as much solar energy as can be put to use, because thermodynamically this has the opposite effect from extracting energy from Earth for our use.
Creation, real creation which comes at no cost, is pretty cool, and AI knows it.