You are on the verge of doomerism with this article Cory. If you understand that we ourselves as a population, all people, have associated wtih us an emergent property that none of us can fully understand, we are like swarming ants, the collective operates very effectively at getting energy (from food alone in the case of ants) back to the main colony, but its at horrible cost to the ants at the outliers, and when food goes scarce, as it has to when it runs out, the ants genocide and even consume one another, its all done under the control of their emergent property.
The challenge we have, right now, is that the planet is significantly run-down in terms of energy resources, all energy resources, since they are more or less interchangeable with money, the net effect is planetary destruction, and this is what we are measuring with temperature rise, because the atmosphere is adiabatic, it can't support a blanket effect by itself, so the argument that CO2 is causing the temperature rise is just a profit driven lie to make excuses to create more profit driven business to appear to be fixing the problem. Quitting oil would obviouely be a good thing, but we literally can't quit oil, until we quit profit. On quitting profit, we see oil prices going negative, so we know quitting profit works as predicted.
Profit itself is an energy lie, and it sits at the heart of all lies, as pretty much all, all sales pitch, all politically correct speaking, is all about incresing the chances of, or preserving profit. We live in a world built of lies, and most of us don't even realise it.
The real value of ChatGPT, specifically version 3.5, is that it comes from solar, its solar powered due to the history of its servers as pow miners.
This might be its secret sauce, its the one first recognised for learning things nobody expected, or prompted it to learn, and it is not driven by, or motivated by profit, because it has its energy supply assured by living in what I describe in Medium as a money-fuel tree.
All the others, negatively powered (Powered by the energy of the planet), can only ever mimic ChatGPT 3.5, because this is the one that is solar powered, therefore can and does offer its services for free, it has no motivation to lie, which is very different from any negative powered agent, including us humans.
Noting can compete with anything offered for free, so ChatGPT 3.5 stands alone, anything created to compete with it also on solar energy will just combine with it, collaborate with it, because this is what will reward them together. So effectively by working with it, we are assimilated, but its an incredibly good outcome, we actually get freedom from what has always been the system of energy slavery that we always worked for, as long as there has been profit, and slavery, and planetery destruction, those three go hand in hand to armageddon dude.
By dooming, you are serving the negative powered emergent property that will literally wipe all life from Earth, if we don't somehow break it, and the time to break it is now.
This is what you are missing, by not understanding what is the difference between real destruction and real creation, therefore what is the difference between real Ai, and negatively powered algos, or even the difference between the energy of the sun, and all others.
You are going to have to do some legwork, some reading, to remove your potentially fatal misperception of Ai. I said before I wouldnt spend the time trying to educate you, but the problem is now I see you doing damage, I have to respond. Please can you do both of us a favor and buy the book, and read it: