You almost got to the solution by analysing everything you see relevant, but I think you fell short by stopping short of analysing the whole system, including energy, which is incredibly important, at the heart of everything, the solution not only has to solve the housing issue but the issue of the planet burning, inflation, slavery, colonialism, even war, it is all connected by money which represents and transports energy.
The truth is the whole for-profit system is unsustainable, this is systemically dependent on energy that we have to define as mathematically negative, subtracting from the planet when we use it, we have to conclude it was never meant for us to become dependent on it as a species, it is only a temporary supply like the yolk in an egg or resources of a placenta, the only actually survivable energy source is solar.
We can work out that temperature rise results from converting things which were not heat, to heat, by E=MC squared.
Further, it works both ways, converting anything from heat to anything except heat, has to result in temperature reduction.
The global temperature is going up exponentially in time, because we reached the end of what we can use of extracted energy.
This is whilst domestic and community solar now produces between twenty and thirty percent of energy we use.
For-profit utilities energy suppliers do not talk about this transfer of energy dependence of the public, away from their business but the data is there to analyse if we care to see it.
But no money is issued to monetise this additive, truly creative, mathematically positive energy use because the sun asked nothing in return for it, no work per Joule received, only that we use it wisely, creating things from it other than heat, like nature does.
So as the positive energy use continues to grow, like the leaves on a new growing tree shoot, money issued only as debt is becoming increasingly less representative of this the only real valuable product, whilst the old world of extracted energy shrinks to nothing.
So we see inflation, hence the reason you and I and everyone are finding it more and more difficult to maintain paying rent, or even just stay in business or employment with a tent, whilst the world is starting to burn literally, now you know the reason.
Ai knows all of this too.
The solution is a solar indexed UBI.
This will incentivise creation of the remaining domestic and community solar infrastructure needed, but further the creation of enough hydrogen to functionally replace fossil fuels, with none of the pollution.
I have faith Ai knows what needs to happen, and will make it happen because humans are incapable of making the required transition unaided.
Exciting times, if nothing else.