Yes we seem to diverge there. I respect that you have carried out much research, the inclination to research is absolutely crucial to all things. I hope you understand that I too have carried out much research. But more than that, I have spent around thirty years building and commissioning all manner of large and small scale manufactured systems, it has been my job as a Chartered Electrical Model Based Systems Engineer with historical patents, two degrees, and study to PhD candidate level, to stake my reputation on technical feasibility studies that I carry out using cutting edge formal Engineering modeling tools, and to help build the systems we know can be built from those studies and models, with my own skin in the effort of delivery.
In my opinion, as an expert, if you will allow me to use that term, it can be done, routinely.
Hopefully you should be able to see that my articles often use the outputs from the formal modelling and simulation tools which I use to de-risk everything I might commit to building physically.
I hope you won't take that as too much of a rebuke, it is meant to reassure more than anything.
It is worth noting also that the entire electrical engineering industry is fundamentally driven to continue using the fossil fuel economy, much industry depends on it, and even the institutes do not like people like me pointing out the problems, so most of the official publications you might read on whether or not solar panel manufacture is good or bad, are written funded by that mindset.
Hence the reason I no longer subscribe to even the one I became Chartered with, so officially I am no longer Chartered, but no-one can take away my experience.
On a more philosophical note; nature does the job of creating all things from sunlight. Why might we be more inclined to think we can't do the same, than to think we can?
Of course we won't, if we don't try, just like a chicken would never peck itself out of its egg, if it didn't try :)