Yes the value of the output is zero if there is no load on it, we are not putting it to any use, therefore not doing any temperature reduction by putting the energy of the sun to any use. Hydrogen by electrolysis is a good load. Check out Enapter, this is just one off-the-shelf electrolyser, there are lots, some by US manufacturers also.
To do a complete chain of useful hydrogen production, you would need also a hydrogen pump, an air compressor to drive the hydrogen pump, and a "Type 4" hydrogen tank.
I have done part of series of articles on the subject, parts one to four are done, the final part is how to model the system, as necessary to optimise it, but it has become more complex than expected due to the opportunity to use the heat output of a fuel cell based generator as the main domestic heating supply, then regulating the system to only maintain that. This is how to remove the need for a battery, putting all energy storage including the backup for the domestic supply into hydrogen.
Parts one to four identify a battery in the system as stands, but it might be removed in part five.