Yes! So now we see another thing that will benefit hugely by having it's own dedicated community solar hydrogen power supply. And now we know that using more solar is always good, the more of it we can put to use, the more we drive back down the planetary temperature. So a metaverse, like proof of work mining, and AI, are all ideal sinks of solar energy. Put the three together, all solar powered, and we will start to see some magic, because by this those platforms will be able to scale up their solar hydrogen power supply free of charge, increasing revenue to reward all users for their creative input, no matter how many users, they will have unlimited capacity to scale, the more users and the bigger the capacity the better (The more it will drive temperature back down) , it will grow like a plant, fueled entirely by solar energy. The hydrogen that will be output from it, and all other community platforms including domestic, is the missing fuel for all transportation, continuously generating value for the platform, by continuously outputing valuable fuel, output to all transportation, scaleable to meet any need.
The rate of growth and the value of the platform are predictably huge by Metcalfe's law, it will be higher than we've ever seen by any platform, greater than unity for the first time in history because it will be the first platform which pays users, supplying their energy via money (remember money is always energy), removing their need to extract from the planet by participating in the for-profit system (remember profit is an energy con, because money is always energy, and energy gain by deceptive interaction can't come from a source which is non negotiable, giving every Joule for free, the sun).
I predicted we would see this one day, as a systems Engineer with historical energy patents, dedicated to virtual world technology, researching it at the time (2017), as PhD candidate work.
I also predicted Meta would crash and burn, for exactly the same reason as why many other virtual worlds have been and gone, even efforts by the still mighty second life, to branch into VR failed, for the same reason - they are not profitable, they can't be done at profit, it's impossible to have a united world at profit, real or otherwise, profit also ties us into planetary destruction, by tying us into extracted energy.
I didn't know exactly how all this would come about, but now we are seeing it, I think.