Yes, on collected solar, where that collection manifests as anything at all which is in our control, it could be heat, it could be electricity, it doesn't matter, again the suggested algorithm of issue of money would sort it out. The only reason it is a good idea to define an unambiguous interface, the point of monetisation, is to get a reasonable estimate of each next stipend of solar product backed stimulus that needs to be issued. If it was out by us missing some energy used or not used as heat, in the case of maybe mixed function PV/heat collection panels, (or in the case of houses like yours!) this would manifest as some oscillations around a mean rate of issue over time. The only reason to get decent estimates of actual energy put to use, is to more smoothly issue stimulus, with less oscillations around a mean rate of issue over time. In the end, the mean issue rate of money, together with the rate of money tokens per Joule of energy, which would become known, would be the more reliable guage of energy put to use, longer term, I believe.
If we likened it to the action in a plant, this would be like the plant measuring the quality of nutrients issued within itself, in response to the energy received by its leaves, in order to know how much more nutrients to issue. We do this ourselves (Sometimes not very well!) by our bodies knowing more or less how nutritional the food we eat is, just by looking at it. If it isn't very nutritional, like if we only ate popcorn or salad, then we are still hungry for more, so we will eat more... :)