Yep, it's all about money.
Which is all about energy, and where we get it from.
Where it has always come from is depleting, so you can be sure it won't continue much longer.
What comes next changes everything.
Get the energy from a free source, one that requires no Joules of work in return for receiving it, and money has to come to be issued for free, otherwise money has to come to represent nothing.
There, you might see things are about to change, for the better.
Currently, money has to be a major consideration for a woman, if she gets in with the wrong partner, he might drain away all she has, if she has any.
Same goes for men btw, unless they have money to burn.
Levelling the playing field, by domestic and community solar, as is happening, and sooner or later, money has to change to go with it.
Also, the old idea of everyone needing to have jobs, or indeed having to just "tow the line", is gone.
We will be governed by trust in one another, rather than by force, but no one will be motivated to do crime, because there won't be any poverty.
Sounds crazy I know, but this is what is actually happening. When it cracks, it will be sudden.
Meantime, plenty of virtuality around, for everyone to enjoy until reality comes around, which won't be long from now, imho.