Yay. I am really happy to know we are on the same page Monica, thanks for your response. Though I hadn't heard it called the Calorie economy before, to me that is an ambiguous, unnecessarily complex measurement unit itself, I would have avoided it, as it seems to me to be used to deliberately confuse in many bullshit industries including "Renewables", but que sera.
I tend to use "Kardashev" as the identifier for everything associated, as to me this is most simply the minimum we need to do to finally move to a stage one "Kardashev civilisation". As a Systems Engineer of thirty years, it occurs to me that these studies are a specialisation of formal Systems Engineering, so I call it "Kardashev Engineering". It follows that the free money generated from sunlight is "Kardashev money", fuels generated from sunlight is Kardashev fuel, Food generated from sunlight is Kardashev food, and so on. I've written stories on all of these, and how they fit into the what I would call the Kardashev system, except Kardashev food, which I intend to cover soon, if no-one beats me to it (I would love if they did, the details of this are still state of the art, I've only recently come across the related research)
I have written now about 300 stories on the subject in Medium, backed up by Engineering models. The history of those traces my own path of discovery, since stumbling into the rabbit hole during a PhD on related things. I hope will these will help lead others to similar knowledge. I never know at any time which story is best to direct anyone to.
I find this one is on my mind a lot lately: https://medium.com/p/856e4498bc0a