Wyatt, it's energy profit which is the problem. I don't see anything wrong with adding value to things by putting in some of our own work to stuff, that we might do by manufacturing, painting pictures etc, that we might need to do, if we didn't have a guaranteed energy source in the form of money that comes direct from the KWhrs received from the sun. Where the problem starts, is if we become dependent on charging for that, we start to charge more than the KWhrs we actually put into the effort, and by this we robbed some energy from somebody, then they have to turn round and do the same to somebody else to replenish what was robbed from them, and yada yada, it all propagates back to the planet.
If farmers were getting solar indexed stimulus, just like the rest of us, they might not feel any need to carry on charging for produce, they would be happy to give away their produce for free if they do it for love, with the energy they need to live coming in, either from somewhere else or from their own solar farm producing say, hydrogen.
Some farmers might quit in this scenario, if what they did was only for profit, but I suspect they would be replaced by many more folk, who never had the choice of what they worked at previously, there would be a flood of folk wanting to work the planet voluntarily, if they were not tied into doing bullshit business they hate, just to earn a crust.
Hydrogen production is the magic ingredient in an installation that can create wealth, direct from the KWhrs from the sun. In addition, it acts as an energy buffer. Most large IT installations (ie Micorsoft) now have hydrogen backup to supplement battery backup, for the odd day when batteries fail to provide backup for long enough, hydrogen running fuel cells kicks in to provide 2nd tier backup.
The other advantages with hydrogen are many, some also affecting farming, in a positive way, by removing some of the deamand for produce demanded from farms, it can do this by being the input ingredient for a human consumable food ((70 percent protein, 30 percent carbohydrates - see "Solein"). Again its relatively low tech that any solar equipped community including farms can do to enhance what they get from the sun, and as always, its exchangeable for money wich can be plowed back into maintenance or even scaling up, and replication of the solar installation.
Interestingly, the infrastructure ChatGPT already runs on, fits this description, that I call "Money-fuel tree architecture"
What is being done, is basically just copying what the trees of nature do, the trees issue nutrients in response to the photons landing on their leaves, from which the tree grows itself, renewing its leaves as they fail one by one, all the while pouring energy back into the Earth via excess nutrients. This is the opposite of what the tree did, before it formed leaves, it took an energy overdraft out from the planet, until it formed leaves, but after that it pays back its energy debt thousands of times over, using the energy of the sun, pouring that back into Earth.
So in a way we might say Earth is continually making energy profit from trees, and we currently take this back out, to the point we have now brought it to its knees.
We need to allow it to recover, I think, and to do that, we need to make the switch, from mathematically negative to mathematically positive energy. But we'll never make that switch, as long as we are locked into the for-profit energy slavery model.
Hence why we need to issue permanent solar indexed stimulus.
There are a lot of relevant stories, I've done about 400 to date. Some are more memorable than others. This one I think is key: