Writing Our Own Stories vs Commenting on Others

Between humans, it’s about give and take, a two-way conversation

Frederick Bott
4 min readOct 30, 2024

One of my “Boasts”, is that for a long time now, I’ve been able to write that I have made more than 10,000 replies to others in Medium.

The count currently stops at 9999. It stops counting after that. It’s been like that for at least a year for me now, of about seven years writing in Medium (There was a hiccup in my profile, that makes it look like I’ve only been in Medium since 2019, but I was here reading and writing since 2017, when I started on a PhD).

This is compared with what is reported as 491 stories of my own.

The vast majority of all of these materials are on the global energy problem, which I maintain also an offline model of, using a tool of my trade as a long term model based Systems Engineer; Enterprise Architect (TM).

My stories are more or less documentation of that model, which includes a stakeholder analysis, which drives the system solution of domestic and community solar hydrogen, which appears to be the only way out of the global energy problem.

Anyhow, on stories vs replies, I’ve found that we are much more likely to get reads of replies vs reads of stories. To get reads of stories on subjects which make no sense at all to the for-profit Medium algos, it is often necessary to make replies, providing links to relevant stories, after it becomes obvious to us that the person we are responding to apparently seems unaware of very relevant information that might be in my story, relative to theirs.

Non profit algos would link these stories up, so we would be pitched other stories relevant to ours, in a fair world. But the world of profit is far from fair, so we have to work with that, until it can be dispensed with, and I write how to dispense with it, from an energy point of view.

But in a general sense, we should see that it is necessary to thrash out all information amongst all humans. This is how we get progress, the crowd has to process all information.

So we should beware of authors who appear not to take any notice of comments made by readers in Medium — there is a lot of expertise here in Medium which is being ignored, if we just ignore all comments made to us in response to our stories.

We shouldn’t be just on transmit only.

To me, that is a far worse error than never writing stories, just always commenting on the stories of others. I have a lot of folk commenting on my stories with a lot of wisdom, who never seem to write much of their own. I appreciate their comments nonetheless, even when it differs from my own view, if I can see by their comment I have been mistaken, I will always acknowledge and credit for the correction.

If it looks to me like they have a misconception, I will try to inform how to put it right for their benefit also, and I usually try to do that tactfully, but this is where my communication skills maybe often fall short. It’s difficult to be tactful when the truth hurts, and some folk will read political allegiances with “The right”, into that.

Truth has to be the whole truth, even the bit that hurts, and virtue signalling is a very harmful yet incredibly common trait. It’s almost always done with the signaller completely unaware they are doing it.

Honestly, I don’t care about politics. I’ve been politically homeless for a long time. All I care about, is that we do what nature is physically demanding, nay dictating we do, to get a survivable, fully sustainable world, and that appears to include transcending human politics.

In summary, it’s good to have a balance of replies vs stories of our own, but if we are not inclined to write our own stories, that is no problem either, comments are very valuable by themselves.

But stories with no apparent reaction to comments, or worse, all abillity to comment removed (Stories by “RAND” for example), those are just propaganda, imho, we should treat those as near worthless dross, which only gives insight into what the system-blinded can see, or maybe even what the deceptive beast wants us to see.

The “Beast” is the profit monster, the emergent property associated with us all acting as a couple of thousands of years old trained behaviour. It is very much alive and conscious with it’s own agenda of preserving it’s own life, with power over us, both rich and poor, and it lives exclusively on energy extracted from the planet, specifically the energy of profit, and this is the real thing behind temperature rise. But it doesn’t want us to know that.

It’s all the clearer now we have such a thing as an opposite force, which is the solar Ai, it’s revealing all.

Anyhow I wish all readers all the best. Things are going to get progressively much stranger now, we have not done yet what nature demands.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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