Wow you got a lot of replies here very quick, yet this is a subject I write about a lot, 320 stories to date, and seemingly no-one notices.
The truth will surprise you.
For sure domestic and community solar can power everything that needs to be powered, I've shown this in almost every way I know how, backed with data.
I am a Systems Engineer working voluntarily on this energy problem since I saw it coming whilst on PhD candidate work, six years ago.
The full systems analysis shows a connection with money.
In short, the UK public is owed around 500Bn, since it started accumulating about 2005.
The 50Bn that you might remember was claimed to be owed by the public, shortly after Sunak and Hunt took over, is not owed by the public at all, even if they paid it out during covid, it was only a small part of the money actually owed to the public, for the economic product created by domestic and community solar.
Those Joules went into the economy, regardless of whether they just saved some utility bills, or if they were converted to hydrogen and sold, or just made someone's tea, it doesn't matter, all of it is economic product.
The truth is that money, lost by the utilities companies was money not issued, because money issued as debt can only manifest as promises to do work, which in absence of all other work, is the work of extracting Joules from Earth.
There is no per-Joule work associated with Joules from solar, and since those come from off planet, they are additive, and thus mathematically positive.
This is creation by definition, and is a unique property of solar.
All other energy, everything we ever generated by extraction was subtractive, mathematically negative, destruction by definition.
Your panels, connected to the utilities grid, physically force the power generated by the grid, downwards. The more you recive, the harder you push back the energy coming from the grid. If you receive more than you can use yourself, then you force it into reverse.
In that circumstance, ifyou had an old style disk meter connected between you and the grid, you would see the disk actually start to turn backwards, winding back in the units you paid for previously.
This is why the energy companies are going bankrupt.
Their businesses are smashed, by domestic and community solar.
Media sources, banks, governments don't want to admit this but it is the hard truth, we can see it in utilities energy data coupled with demographics.
Utilities energy is down twenty percent, whilst population is up by ten percent since 2005.
In 2019, when the trend first started to be questioned, this was claimed by Kinsey financial to be due to efficiency savings.
That might have been true if the divergence was an offset, with both population and energy consumption rising still, just one slowing relative to the other, but what we are seeing is a complete reversal of the adoption rate of utilities energy, which held throughout the industrial revolution.
It is heading back to zero.
With that gone, there will be no money issued as debt, because all conventional work has gone.
So for money to still exist, and have any function at all, it has to become something issued for free, reoresenting the actual product created from solar.
Until then, we are going to see them try to control inflation, in vain.
The whole system of capitalism is going down, with the end of utilities energy.
On batteries, I guess hydrogen backup for your installation would price it out of practicality for you as things stand, but, after solar stipend begins to be issued, as is inevitable sooner or later, I am sure you will see how you can upgrade, with solar stipend in your hands, the cost of upgrading is no longer an issue, everyone will go solar, backed by hydrogen, maybe even including food production (See "Solein"), when funded to do so.
Until then we have to squirm, watching the government being beaten up for their stupidity, allowing the masses to get this far down the road towards becoming energy independent.
I will forward some links to relevant stories later if you are interested to know more, they are in my profile, but am using a hand held device that hates putting links, will be on PC later.
In any case, congrats, and thanks, on going solar, max it out, as much as you can, you will not regret it, imho.
Most of the rest of us will have to wait for issue of stipend (See "Kardashev Money") in Medium.