Would be great if we could prove there is mass in sunlight. Surely this should not be difficult to prove. Believing sunlight is mass-less when it actually isn't could be an existential mistake.
My own work over the past seven years has been towards doing what I can to help fix what I've seen coming as an already thirty year practiced Systems Engineer, a potentially existential global energy problem. Understanding it makes us realise this is what is behind all the bad things we are seeing, rising climate temperature, genocide, colonialism, slavery, all the wars, a burning planet, you know all those things talked about, nay warned about, in the (dare I say this) "White" religions, as well as the constantly increasing cost of living crisis, and even profitability crisis, it's all down to exponentially decreasing practically extractable energy availability in the environment - it's simply running out, we've lived as long as we can live in destructive mode, where all we did with money was systematically destroy the planet, and reward for destruction, until now, we only monetise destruction, this is why it's physically unsustainable.
Its obviously all politically sensitive, but we have to smash through all these ideas of political correctness, as they are turning out to be integral parts of what is a fatal state of humanity racing towards a physical energy dead end, if we can't change course, it's time up, and we will end within a single generation now, gen z, if we can't make the necessary change, we end with a burning planet.
The change needed, is to change our energy input from what I call mathematically negative energy (Energy extracted from the planet), to energy added to the planet (only solar
). This is much more of a challenge than conventional science would have us believe, at the same time as being much more immediate, and at the root of it is our use of what is actually an energy lie, the lie of profit, that we might argue was necessary to get us to the technology required to end it, a kind of bootstrap mechanism, but it's time to jump off of it now, after using it all our known history, before it ends in disaster.
We owe fixing this to our kids and every generation that comes after.
So I would love to see conventional science accept the big bang theory was actually just a profit driven distraction, that made some necessary money for some brilliant scientists who made in any case some very valuable contributions to science, but we should accept that they, like all of us, were / are energy slaves in the energy-lying system of profit as stands, and this influences everything about the way we think and what we do, way beyond what we can normally imagine.
How it manifests in us and all of science, this misunderstanding of how energy works, is a misunderstanding of what creation means. We literally don't know the difference between creation and destruction, at least not in an systemic sense.
We get that destruction is increase of entropy but we seem to be struggling to understand that creation is the opposite, and this is the only way to reverse the damage we've done already to the planet, and the only energy we can use to create at all, is solar, the energy from the sun.
But look what the profit driven investors are doing, Geoengineering, to cut down the very energy we need to use to survive - that's insanity due to profit driven ignorance.
And if solar has any mass at all that we didn't know about, it means we will, with 100 percent certainty, push the planet out of orbit around the sun by Geoengineering.
We might even have done it already.
I don't know what is worse, a burning planet, or drifting into space with no sun.
This is all whilst it's perfectly practical to put the energy of the sun to our use, all we need to do is start monetising what we use of it already, to empower and incentise a very rapid switch by all on a domestic and community solar hydrogen basis.
We have to start issuing permanent solar indexed financial stimulus, this is what needs to be done to monetise energy which can't be monetised as profit, because it's given for free, nothing asked in return per KWhr by the sun.
By that, not only would we have survival, but it would be a very different, incredibly more valuable and satisfying world, we would have things beyond our imagination right now, probably including something close to immortality, compared with what we have now, decreasing life expectancy, if we are honest with ourselves.
Comparing our development as a species with that of any plant, or actually anything born of mother host or egg, we are at the point of being born, like the plant when it first forms leaves.
We could perish now, stillborn, or we could be born, moving our energy dependence from mother host to the energy of the environment of our mother host.
We already started forming our first leaves.
According to the doomers, and everyone still under the ultimately deadly spell of the energy-lie of profit, there is no possibility of birth, if it is up to them, we will have no birth, they are determined to maintain the state of energy slavery to the bitter end, downsizing by periodic genocide as needed, to keep walking the tightrope of surviving with most of the species kept as expendable, powerless, energy starved energy slaves, as long as its possible, to the bitter end.
They want the species to be stillborn, and they don't realise they are working for what is an emergent property associated with us, the profit monster, the grand slave master that has been in charge of us for thousands of years, it wants to live and stay in control, we need to kill it to make the switch.
We kill it by issue of solar indexed stimulus. When we do that, all else falls into place.
Sorry for the long response. I used your space to rant here, my bad, it's something I do now and then when inspired, thanks for your inspiration, I hope my response might have a little value for you too.