Working on some of the more detailed studies, to me we are in greater jeopardy than it is possible to express, though we can try, those of us seeing the full extent of it, there are a lot of parallels with religion, science is making a big mistake by not acknowledging this, decrying religion as just hocus pocus, it turns out when we mathematically sign energy flows in and out of Earth, as necessary to audit causes and effects, motivations etc, there really are hard mathematical rules that apply, multipliers applicable to use of each kind of energy, positive and negative, we can identify everything bad as being multipliers of negative energy use, multipliers by knocking on to more bad effects, all cascading. Conversely the same applies to positive energy use. This is mathematical formalisation confirming destruction really does lead to more destruction, creation really leads to more creation.
Literally we can be busy dying by always destroying, or busy living by always creating. By E=MC squared alone, creating cools by putting energy to use from the sun which would otherwise become heat, if neither we nor nature used it. Destruction heats by converting things that were not heat (because nature put them to use previously), to heat.
After thousands of years of that, accelerated massively in the last 150 or so years, we find the temperature really is racing up, and the probability of fires beyond flash point increases to explosion within only a few years now, but it's independent of time, actually dependent on profit, because profit is how the phenomenon of money making money is possible, when money is always energy which can't be created or destroyed, the energy behind it came extracted from Earth, this is a sleight of hand, a con, where actually the Earth is robbed by much more energy than was lost or gained in the profitable transaction, and a large amount of that unmentioned energy has to become heat, and we never acknowledge that the planet is even a stakeholder.
Now maybe we see how this thoroughly dishonest behaviour is literally leading to Armaggedon, and since war is all about money and profit, we have to lump that in with the negative multipliers, it's all connected.
What is actually happening, in terms of energy, is that energy is getting thinner and thinner on the ground, except where there is still more than fair share around the rich. We see this thinning of energy as inflation, and the rising relative cost of living.
The cascading negative effects on the environment are how this energy thinning manifests in the environment.
The increased temperature can even be blamed for increased earthquakes and volcanoes. Increased temperature and atmospheric pressure cycling has to have a negative effect on mechanical stability of the Earth, which has internal pressures and effects of its own.
All is exacerbated by the orgy of extracted energy and death of the war in Ukraine.
Anyone thinking that is having no effect or can be carried on is insane. It is insanity not to see it has to lead to nuclear, which will be infinitely worse for the environment.
We are literally on the doorstep of armaggedon and there are folk still thinking they can project profit still for years in the future.
They are not getting that the destruction is caused by profit. This is the insanity.
There is actually a silver bullet, and that is to change the polarity of money from negative to positive.
To do that, we have to issue it for nothing, to all people, a solar indexed UBI, which would empower all to start using the creative energy, which is solar.
But the rich won't want that because they know they will lose their privelige, but what they maybe don't realise or accept is the reason they wanted privelige is just to assure their own personal safety, what everyone worries about is death or lack of ability to maintain our own energy when we have to compete with everyone for it, we rightly worry we'll lose that competition and literally die for losing.
We have to reverse that, to people feeling like we can stop competing, but have our energy supplied abundantly, unconditionally.
We can achieve this, we saw how to do it during covid. This time the taps need to be left on, and the energy supplying it, from the sun, ramped up.
Doing that is the mathematical reverse of extraction.
I sound like a broken record saying this, I know, but sooner or later it has to sink in to everybody, this is the only way out, we have to monetise and incentivise creation, instead of destruction. We can only do that with mathematically positive energy, which is only from the energy of the sun.
Folk worrying about sustainability and of that should stop worrying. Being powered only by the energy of Earth, and now the battery is running out, we have no idea what it will be like, plugged into the mains.... see how crazy it is, that we think we have to have fossil fuels? (Not meaning you Mike, I think we are saying more or less the same thing)