Withholding sex stopped a war? I'd love to know where you read that. Sex is surely a kind of communication, and a kind of energy, indigenous energy.
Since when did witholding energy, ever achieve anything constructive, other than making the aggressors even more aggressive, so maybe they all kill one another, and that ends war, because they're all dead.
Seriously, kids have enough difficulty meeting one another and having normal physical relationships that we used to enjoy. They don't need further peer pressure complicating their relationships even further by putting in yet more sexual politics. Vanilla sex amongst youngsters, has already all but disappeared, in case you hadn't noticed.
To me this is just another symptom of the global energy problem, which is what is scarcifying all energy at source Encouraging youngsters to go to sexual war on one another seems a long way from doing anything constructive about the real problem, rather, it's removing the problem by removing people.
We won't have any problems after everyone is gone, right?