With respect, you don't know what the latest research is unless you've read it.
Amongst other things it shows that we do not know what an actual creative existence looks like, because we've never practiced it.
Further, it shows all the mainstream effort towards carbon reduction etc is actually just wasted effort, and energy, spent on treating symptoms of our destructive existence, rather than fixing it at source, by using the only actual source of energy, the sun, with all the systemic benefits coming from that. Further it explains with numbers and solid mathematical analyses on utilities energy data why we are seeing inflation, regardless of what the finance industry including banks and governments have done to try to address it so far, it is now something being physically driven by nature, demanding one inevitable outcome, that money will come to be issued for free, to reflect energy which was given for free, and why this is fundamentally different, mathematically different, the opposite of what is done by money issued as debt. Solar energy has only existed in quantity since around 2005, ramping up steadily since then, and accelerating.
There is no way anyone could have known how it would affect things before that, except maybe as speculated by some science fiction.
I suggest you can get a good grounding by reading some of the stories of the 350 odd in my profile.