With respect Jake, your organisation should employ someone who has already done the systems Engineering work required to sort this out, leaving you to get on with the detailed work of ML. That is my opinion, as someone who has done the research as a long practicing systems Engineer, working on the global energy problem now for six years and counting, for free, non profit, because I knew we were all going to need it.
The only way your organisation can be truly green is to become an entirely solar powered community. That is the only way to remove your dependence for energy from sources which ultimately will have to extract it, as stands.
To do get away from that effectively, so as to fit with what has to become a whole population powered like this, with an accordingly Engineered economy, replacing all fossil fuel use, whilst still keeping all planes in the air and alll other transportation moving, none of it creating pollution but actually reversing it, the more the merrier, driving temperature back down, you have to use hydrogen as your 24/7 backup energy store to power your community microgrid. By this you will find you can increase company revenue without limits, just by adding more hydrogen backed up solar infrastructure, which you can pay for with the revenue from previously implemented solar hydrogen infrastructure, because ultimately you will produce more hydrogen than you can use, and you will be able to sell that excess. So in effect you become a community based energy supplier, one who supplies energy in the form of hydrogen, whilst removing all your energy overheads that you might currently pay to utilities energy companies.
I can tell you that is what you are already competing with, in ChatGPT, at least v3.5, because it resides on the servers previously vacated by Ethereum proof of work miners, which were not as bad for the environment as conventionally thought, quite the oppositie actually.
Everyone should get it clear that production of carbon is a symptom, not the cause of the problem, it is a symptom, and a multiplier, of using mathematically negative energy (Energy extracted from the planet, rather than added to it).
None of what you do yourself, either as an organisation or individually, can be truly green, unless you are powered by the only mathematically positive source of energy, that is the energy from the sun.
I am available for hire to assist in this capacity Btw, just let me know if interested, by commenting (You won't be able to contact me any other way as things stand)
Here are the stories to check out first, where I would recommend you start, if you do want to do the legwork yourself in any case: