Frederick Bott
3 min readOct 12, 2021


Will the whole idea of trying to fix the environmental issues by addressing only the carbon dioxide issue can never fix the environmental problem.
The reason we talk about carbon dioxide is because we don’t talk about carbon monoxide, and the reason for that is that we use catalytic conveters now on all oil guzzling combustion engines.
But in catalytic converters is a new burden on Earth resources, the rare earth elements needed to keep those in supply.
There we just converted the plunder of one scarce Earth resource, oil, to two scarce Earth resources, oil and rare Earth Elements.
As explained previously, the consumption of rare things is necessary to sustain the profit driven model of business.
If it isn’t scarce, how can it be charged for!?
With the burden on all scarce things, is the burden on all life that needs them, including us, unfortunately.
All energy sources on Earth are actually various forms of stored energy, all are finite, coming from the total stored energy resources of Earth, so can be scarcified if we use enough of them, therefore all are potentially viable to do profit driven business with, but every one removed or scarcified removes life from Earth, with side effects of toxicity.
Rising cancer rates, covid, particulates, water pollution, plastic packaging, yada yada yada.
All are due to the profit driven business model, which is also resulting in massive wealth inequality, slavery, rising unpayable debt, buildings and other structures burning, blowing up, falling down, leaking nuclear waste, from lack of maintenance or disposal, yada yada yada.
A further requirement of the profit driven business model is the scarcity of money.
That only happens when the economy roughly followed the closed zero-sum box model, of all resources limited to what we have on Earth, not taking into account any effects of ongoing sunlight, in the economy.
Then, it could be argued somehow that wars or some other kind of inhuman purge was necessary, to minimise the burden on scarce resources.
But now there are large amounts of solar energy being converted into wealth via proof of work tokens from sunlight, wealth is being pumped into the back door of the economy, from a source outside the old closed box.
Every Bitcoin punches a new hole in the zero sum box, and each hole is bigger than the last.
So now we are almost awash with free money, which doesn’t lose value, because it isn’t all from a finite source any longer.
Now, it can’t be scarcified, only further issued.
The only conceivable limiting factor now is how much is issued vs how much solar energy is coming in.
If the rate of issuance of money exceeds the value of solar energy coming in, then the price per token drops, and vice-versa.
As the solar energy capacity increases, so also does the value of the currency created from it.
So the problems are actually all solved, by the Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge.
The profit driven business model is dying, at last, instead of us and all other life on Earth.
We just have to get those still stuck in the old world, who are still in control, to understand.
No small task, evidently.

That known, can you see taxes are actually part of the old world, not the new?

Why should the issuers of effectively unlimited free money not just issue themselves more free money if they need it, rather than demand taxes?



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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