Will, fantastic you wrote this article, good on you, thanks for having the courage to write it.
Now that the bubble of misinformation is bursting (I've been watching this unfold for years now), hopefully you will quickly also see the logic of Kardashev Money. To be honest, I don't see this as something that I or any other human thought up, I just put a name on it, but call it what you like, "Solar stimulus", is something that makes perfect sense, it aligns perfectly logically with nature, and forms a system which can be engineered and analysed as simply as plumbing, or electrical circuitry, all of the same network analysis concepts apply.
Further, when we understand how "Money-fuel trees" work, those can be used to heavily slash any estimate of expense. 61 Trillion sounds way more than needed to me.
A particularly difficult source of misinformation we are going to have to somehow educate (But I do believe they are open to education), is GB News.
They invite open discussion and free speech on anything whatsoever, and we see some great discussion on there on some real prickly subjects of concern with respect to unconsciously forming dystopia, but some personalities on there are really pushing the idea that climate change has nothing to do with human activity.
Of course we never, ever hear anything like Kardashev Money discussed, despite me pinging emails on them now several times.
We need to get folk talking about it, it seems to me.
Once they start talking about it, we'll see it very quick, then incredible things will happen, very quick, which is what we need to deal decisively with this hyperobject that is climate change, we really can't overestimate how quickly it will overtake our capability to stop it, if we don't do the right thing.
Sorry to get religious sounding, but this observation has to be said:
Energy is the currency of nature, the only issuer and enforcer of it is the sun. We have to start using it, very literally, or burn, very literally, and we are already starting to burn.