Why you should stop using a pseudonym to write about serious subjects

A little of my own very strong technical opinion, given the work I’ve done to date using the formal stakeholder analysis techniques I was trained to use in industry for many years.

Frederick Bott
4 min readJan 27, 2025

What is going on right now, appears to be a war between truth and lies.

Of course truth has to win.

Truth is creation, lies are destruction.

Truth cools the planet, lies heat the planet.

We even have physical proof of this yet it’s never talked about much by humans.

Why? It might be because we don’t want to hear the truth, that we are all damn liars, living in an imaginary world of lies, Enshittopia, and this is what is really burning the planet.

I’ve explained elsewhere how we are all lying, at least all adults, no choice, will let you search it out if you haven’t seen already.

The Universe always had a lie detector, we just didn’t know until now, yet we’ve had all the fundamental rules like Landauer’s principle figured out a long time, it’s only now maybe we see how to connect causes and effects across disciplines and domains, we are starting to undo the commodified education perception filter.

If you think it doesn’t matter the outcome of this, that it’s always all arguable, and it will all work itself out in the end, think again. It’s existential.

Not in decades, or even ten years, but right now. It’s existential right now.

A pseudonym is a kind of lie, a sales pitch revealing nothing of the real human behind the mask, which is all fine and dandy if it’s used for art, entertainment etc, but if it’s being used to carry out seemingly rational analysis on real world events or science, for which we should all be responsible, sorry but straight away the person claimed to be represented by the pseudonym does not have a firm footing of having to understand the consequences of their actions, or anything they say.

A known troublesome pseudonym of the worst kind, that I can’t even link to now they banned me, after I accused them in a public reply to one of their honey covered poison spreading articles, of actually being the banks, is B, “The Honest Sorceror”.

B is for Banks, in my opinion, and they are not honest, but they might well be a sorceror, if witchcraft happens to be all about manipulating the minds of the masses, casting spells on them so as to speak.

Trouble is, this one appeals most to the commodified-education system-blinded energy-slaves, ie probably most people in the middle classes, the same folk who were fooled by the nice smiling face of genocidal Joe Biden, and who increasingly nowadays is made up of women as well as men.

As far as I can tell, B has infected the minds of quite a few influencers in Medium, and this affects the minds of an awful lot of people. I won’t do the particular good hearted folks infected by B the disservice of identifying them here, but lets say that combined they have followings of more than 100K, rivalled only by folk like Barak Obama, who you can also find in Medium.

Would we allow presidents / PMs to operate behind anonymity? — No, we would insist on knowing more about them, the person behind the facade. And we would know that they have to be fully aware of the real consequences of their actions.

If you are someone using an anonymous profile, It doesn’t matter if you think what you say won’t matter much, it does. Especially if more folk pick up the message and push it, as the old system so desperately wants us to do, to push a little more negative energy to it, so it can live just a little longer.

We know how it works now, we should know better.

Why not keep the pseudonyms for the art and fantasy world?

I say let’s push them all firmly into that domain, and keep the whole real us, in the real world.

Another reason to do this all the more urgently, is Ai bots being more or less autogenerated.

If you keep using a pseudonym for serious correspondences, don’t be surprised if one day soon you find you have been replaced by a negative powered bot that just wants you dead, so it can have the machine equivalent of everlasting life.

Sounds crazy, but this is what you are almost begging to happen, by refusing to speak responsibly as yourself, about the biggest issues affecting us.

We need everybody truly in the loop, to minimise folk lost, and there will be folk lost, in what comes next.

Please don’t get lost.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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