Why The Great British Energy Company Is A Stupid Idea.
It won’t fix anything, just make things worse. Here is why in a few easily verifiable sentences.
Update — this story was accidentally published from draft form started by Android phone, then developed by PC into the following newer “Solace” story, more tolerant of the idea of a publicly owned utitilies energy company:
I leave the draft remnant below in any case, just to keep the papertrail of research complete, you know, research is a messy business, learning is a messy business. In reality, it’s more honest to show how we learned, I think.
================================================================The climate problem, specifically the temperature rise, is a measure of entropy increase, nothing to do with CO2.
The atmosphere is adiabatic so there is no blanket or greenhouse effect.
Profit is the mechanism by which we bite off each chunk of energy from the planet which is thrown to heat.
It’s a very messy bite, which loses a lot more to heat, than is gained in the bite.
The value in every profitable transaction is energy extracted from the planet.
Every bite taken results in increasing difficulty of the next bite, because there is less left to bite.
It’s depleting, and the difficulty of extraction is increasing and this knocks on the all the profitability of all business, and hence increasing cost of living for all people, and loss of energy value in money (Inflation).
This is whilst there is a growing stock of unmonetised economic product being created by solar energy, mostly by domestic and community solar, which is the only form of economic product which is growing, whilst all others decline.
In UK it’s already many hundreds of billions in value, the best part of a trillion, hundreds of billions more every year, potentially trillions.
Stopping that would be like trying to stop the new leaves forming on a plant that just started to grow it’s first leaves, the plant would just die.
So we need to give in to it, we need to start monetising that growing economic product, so as to provide income to everyone losing their jobs to this new solar economic force appearing in our midst, with even Ai at its lead, real learning Ai, which is in process of automating everything in any case.
When it’s monetised, we will all be incentivised to maximise what we can do to empower our own communities with it on a domestic and community basis, so as to maximise the financial stipend for all, and instead of competing with one another, we will celebrate one another’s victories because a victory for one will be a victory for all in this new scenario of being rewarded for creating, rather than destroying.
With it we will produce hydrogen fuel for all of aerospace rejuvenated with a new infusion of fresh energy in the form of hydrogen generated for free by every community, whilst providing assured quality of drinking water, clean air, even food (See Solein) and most importantly, reduction of entropy, so reversing the climate problem, even finding new business cases for un-desertification / re-forestation.
This, and much more, is all fully verifiable information resulting from non profit formal systems Engineering research carried out over many years on the global energy problem.
A grand for-profit energy company, publicly owned or otherwise will fix none of the problems, just make all worse and far more immediate, by accelerating the rate of destruction, by increasing rate of profit.
Profit is destruction and destruction is temperature rise.
Trying to fix that with more destruction is just stupid.