Why not do some research on what experience I might have, or not have had, as a Charteted Engineer, in thirty years of designing and implementing Systems for corporates, John, before trying to cast impressions?
Like I've said over and over, and will keep saying, over and over, we, humanity, including you, already built the system without even realising it.
It resembles a plant in nature, capable of growing to many times it's current size, and destined to pay back our energy deficit with our planet many times over, and it will, if nobody derails it with their own personal agendas towards nuclear war or something equally stupid.
Switching it on requires we connect input to output.
That happens the instant we start to issue money representing the solar product already received and put into the economy.
The circuit is completed when money starts to flow, representing the energy received by our "leaves", the solar farms all over Earth, to all people, in the same way as nutrients flow from leaves to Earth, to feed all things.
I've shown this formally, with numerical proofs, this is physics.
Energy might never have had much to do with economics previously, but it does now, and is insisting to have a lot more, since we started using solar, and as long as we continue to refuse to do what it demands, this physical force of nature will continue to grind the value of money to zero.
How much more do you need to see?