Why I think Rishi is right to avoid COP27, and to advise others to avoid it too (Charles).


Frederick Bott
3 min readNov 1, 2022

I don’t need to beat around the bush with this story.

If you know what I mean by Bullshit Business, COP27 seems to pretty much fit in that bracket.

I would write a third part to my series on Bullshit Business to address COP27, or even the COP series, but it happens so infrequently, it is hardly worth the energy, it seems to me.

In the scheme of bullshit business, that last characteristic makes it not a very big direct culprit in the problem of extracted energy

But what it does, is renew and multiply the propaganda that it is all intended to help fix things, when actually it isn’t, it is about how to look busy fixing things whilst breaking them further.

“Net Zero” is a bullshit term.

Sorry. I know it will upset some folk me saying that, but it’s the truth.

If you happen to be a scientist using that term, or indeed the renewable energy term, or worse, abbreviations of those terms like we are starting to see, pushing them ever further away from the understanding of non specialist folk, then you should be asking yourself why, it seems to me.

Net Zero is not what we need.

Net Zero, can’t be achieved, because achieving it would be like us trying to balance on a tightrope, like effectively we have been for the past twenty years or so, and have been failing to do ever more spectacularly.

There is a physical reason for that, which is instability.

The instability is between creation and destruction.

Net zero implies no creation, and no destruction; a fine balance between the two, like we somehow could freeze time, perpetuating the current state of Earth forever.

But the current state of Earth, is rapid depletion of all species of life, including human, and the forces driving that depletion are non-linear, their rates increasing exponentially, as the environment deteriorates, exponentially.

Even if we could somehow freeze to net zero, all we would be doing at best is freezing the rate of deterioration. The deterioration would logically continue, at its current rate.

So Net Zero is no solution, just more bullshit business. Of course it is probably profitable, but for how long, given that all life has to continue to deplete?

The truth is we have damaged Earth, and it has to be fixed.

We can only do that by reversing the damage.

It isn’t net zero we need, but net minus.

We can’t do that with for-profit business, or with energy from Earth.

Only energy from off-planet can be used to add to the creation already on Earth.

How we can and must do what is needed begins with issue of Kardashev Money.

That, is something that will end the old world of scarcity, enabling the new world of abundance.

Yep, sounds utopian and idealistic, even religious.

But like it or not, that is the only way forward.

I don’t know if Rishi, or Charles knows all of that.

If they don’t, I hope they will soon.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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