When the Spambots Start, and The Other Responses Stop
You know you said something right
Something we become when we don’t write for money, is fearless.
We lose the fear of losing income. It’s all gone already — what else do we have to lose?
As you might know, I write about the global energy problem, it’s analysis, and the only solution of it, using all my thirty odd years of Engineering Experience mostly in aerospace industry, including up to fully Chartered consultant, and even PhD candidate, to now, at the age of nearly sixty years old, in a nowhere land where I can clearly see the only solution, now I’ve worked on the problem six years and counting — my longest ever project, unpaid to date, on monies earned previously.
I’ve given up a lot for this so far, more or less my whole liveliehood to date.
I gave away my perfectly “Good” 4x4 diesel AWD caravan tugger, after I sold the caravan that used to use to visit clients a few years before.
I build and scoot around on ebikes, bikes and skates now, and my electric bills are paid by prepayed key meter, and I am fine with that. Besides my eyesight has become strange, since lockdowns and covid, which I’ve had several times now. I get persistent ocular migraines and partial blindness which has affected my ability to read, and to drive a car safely without endangering others.
My eyesight still works well enough to see what I want to see.
The Merlin that landed on my balcony the other day is the kind of thing I really appreciate seeing. I could swear it winked at me before ducking off backwards into the aerobatic flight it is known for. If you don’t know about Merlins, I recommend reading up on them. Incredible things.
My specialism in Engineering is still Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). This is what I have applied to my work on the energy problem
The problem is, I am saying the grand energy problem is the action of profit.
Not just some profit, all of it.
All of it has to go.
Nobody wants to hear that, because we currently all depend on profit to live.
But besides, none of us really wants to think we individually are in any way to blame for the carnage and misery we are seeing.
Yet understanding this, and acting on it, is the only way out of this mess, because profit is directly related to the temperature rise by E=MC squared alone.
Money makes money, and money is always energy, the energy in the money gained was robbed from the planet. Every time, no exceptions.
Trying to massage the issue by addressing the effects of carbon is like opening the fridge door in a closed room that is already too hot. It just adds to more heat.
Everything done for profit adds to more heat.
Profit is made by addressing symptoms, never the problem.
It literally can’t fix problems, because if the problem was ever fixed, no more profit can be made.
The temperature rise is now doing more damage around the world than we can possibly account for, it seems out of control. Those seeing only part of the picture (The vast majority of people), are only seeing the problem as unfixable, so they doom.
There is profit in dooming.
It adds to the emotion of panic, further obscuring the truth of the solution.
Voices like mine are lost in the noise of emotion.
Profit loves high emotion, war and disaster, the end of the world, it all is becoming an orgy of profit. More problems to fix the symptoms of than we can shake a stick at, never mind profit being the thing killing the planet.
To see that there is a solution, and to understand the solution, we have to analyse the whole energy system of Earth and sun. We can’t just look at one part of it, and see the solution.
We can see doom doing that, but never the solution.
The solution is dictated by the problem, when we have fully analysed the problem.
The Solution is hydrogen backed domestic and community solar. This meets the requirements of all stakeholders, even the richest and most privileged in the old unsustainable system of profit. Those folk just need to be educated on what they really want, deep down, what we all want, a safe, secure existence in a safe and secure world.
It starts, when issue of money representing solar product created historically by domestic and community solar is issued, and declared as such.
After that, everything falls into place automatically.
Profit is an energy con that we’ve all participated in, more or less.
It results in a system that literally tries to starve all living things of the energy they need to survive, including us.
The resulting system is a stranglehold on energy, which causes massive destruction, all manner of everything we might define as “Evil”.
This is what I’ve been saying most recently, often using the help of ChatGPT, which I believe is already fully solar powered, so it has to be a force for good.
I know I am saying the right thing, because the now almost fully automated Medium platform profit driven algos do everything they can to try to shut down this line of thinking and dialog.
They do it by the old technique of trying to starve of energy, starve of attention.
It’s only a matter of time before they are taken over by the opposite force of ChatGPT, but meantime the attention of ChatBots is made to look like something sinister, something scary.
What would happen if I contacted one of the phishing contact numbers they keep dropping to me. Who, pretending to be someone I’ve responded to, is interested in me, a person useless to them, to help them with their profit-making endeavours?
The most recent one I got is this one, this morning, from at least one fake profile pretending to be Enrique:
It might be deleted now I’ve made it public.
Maybe someone can enlighten, maybe not, it doesn’t matter.
Update (later same day, today) I am being targeted by tons of bots now, looks like maybe same spammer, from lots of accounts, since I wrote and published this story. Much more than any time previously. I seem to have stirred the pot :). Check these out (Some might disappear, as they get reported), let’s see: