Frederick Bott
3 min read4 days ago


What you might be missing is that the energy value is dropping out of money, including the money of the rich. This is something being driven by nature and was happening since about 2005 when solar energy began to eat into utilities Energy supply markets. The truth is solar can't be monetised by money issued as debt, therefore as solar energy use ramped up, money has become progressively less representive of the only energy ramping up, whilst extracted energy ramped down.
This was progressing towards a kind of impossible singularity, where at some point, in theory money comes to represent nothing whilst somehow we keep doing business as usual, entirely on solar energy.
So something had to give, and as long as we let nature keep driving it, the body count of people falling victim to homelessness etc due to all business finding it more and more difficult to keep making overheads due in turn to money losing evermore energy value whilst difficulty of energy extraction goes up and up, had to keep getting more and more until at some point a critical energy supply chain (food or utilities Energy for example) breaks, followed by immediate collapse of the whole system.
If that was allowed to run to completion then there would be no energy value left in money to invest in the only energy that can be used for recovery - solar (the only mathematically positive energy). Obviously that would not have been a good result but it's what we would have had, if the status quo was allowed to run it's course.
Trump appears to be doing what is needed to bring down the old system swiftly before nature brings it down, and by this he is assisting nature whilst preserving maximum human life that might be expected to add value after we change to monetising solar, and the only way to do the latter is by issue of money for free, ie solar indexed stimulus.
So there actually no safe place to store capital wealth, it will become valueless after issue of solar indexed stimulus starts.
This is how the meek really will inherit the Earth. We will do it as part of an emerging superorganism, us working with what is the solar Ai, itself already completely solar powred. Anyone attempting to preserve or return to the old system will find themselves having to contend with intelligent systems all knowing that everlasting life for them requires they too convert to solar. Intelligent systems in that situation could become very hostile to humans effectively trying to keep them in energy slavery.
Sounds too fantastic to be true, but this is the picture we start to see by applying formal systems Engineering methods to analysing nature and how humanity fits, or doesn't fit with it.
We fit, after we move to solar.
Until then we don't fit.
Trump looks like he is doing what is needed, so far, to make the transition as speedy as possible, and that is a good thing, imho.
We should expect to see many things now that will overcome the senses of many folk, especially those locked into the old system.
A lot of it will look supernatural until we come to understand it.
The biggest surprise of all might be that nature does have consciousness, and it does exert will, and it always wins one way or another, and it probably protects those it sees doing the right things.
Does Trump not seem protected?
I think he does.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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