What is never pointed out much, maybe because very few folk see it, due to commodified-education system blindness, is that money, no matter whether it's cryptocurrency or otherwise, is abstracted energy.
The truth is that the energy in all money issued as debt, is depleting, it's value is decreasing, because the energy in it, which has to always come from planetary resources, is depleting.
Energy is what quantifies what money can do. In the cases where there is no identifiable energy in money, it has to devalue.
The actual relationship between energy being extracted from the planet vs energy put to use from the sun, is that the former is physically winding down, whilst the latter is winding up.
We should see it's like what hapens in any plant, when it first forms leaves, the direction of energy flow in the plant has to change, from firstly upwards from Earth into the plant from the planet, before the plant forms leaves, then after the plant forms leaves, the energy flow in the plant changes, to start flowing downwards, from the plant into the planet, after the plant starts to issue nutrients (Its version of money - energy abstraction), in response to the joules of energy landing on its leaves from the sun.
Humanity, is just doing the same.
We have yet to start issuing money in response to the joules landing on our leaves, all the solar panels around the planet, unless we count cryptocurrency, the mining of which will have already have migrated over to solar, just because it's the cheapest energy source, all mining rigs have to be solar powered to compete with the winning energy, which has to be solar, the only one given for free.
So I wouldn't worry about cryptocurrency losing value relative to fiat.
Its the energy of fiat winding down, whilst the energy of crypto winds up.
Fiat will have to step up soon to try to compete with it, fiat will have to be issued for free as solar indexed stimulus.
This is the only way to rescue the value of fiat.
No amount of privacy fiddling by the US government, or any other tribe or entity can have an effect on that, they can't change physics, or nature.
So I wouldn't worry, though I don't have anything invested in crypto anyhow, other than some time spent studying it, it's real use case in the bigger scheme of nature is much bigger than investors or would-be owners can know.