What is happening now is very different from what happened in 2008. What is happening this time has never been seen before, and will happen only once.
We are seeing the effects of money issued as debt being devalued to zero, by nature, in a way that there is only one thing we can do in response, and that is to issue money for free, massive money for free to all people. Sounds counterintuitive to conventional economics, because it is exactly the opposite that needs to be done now, from what had to be done previously. Failure to issue sufficient funds will see money going completely to zero value.
The actual energy product now being put to use, and continuing to scale up in the economy, is the mathematically positive Joules of energy from sunlight, which have no associated per Joule labor, so can't be enummerated or represented by money issued as debt, since debt is a promise to do work.
Now that energy by extraction, and work are disappearing, money as debt is coming to represent... nothing.
We should recall when Trillions per month were being issued in the US, there were some valuable lessons to be learned there, if the events that happened then had not been hushed up, and the perpertrator cancelled.
Oil prices went negative, the only time ever, and the envioronment saw the only spike of positive recovery in history so far, whilst the dollar went up in value, not down.
This was just money coming to represent real time energy, the energy coming from the sun, a number of Joules being represented by each token.
This is the new standard that has to be put on money, not a gold standard or other amount of capital (Which only represents stored energy), it has to be Joules of energy, as they arrive from the sun, and are put to use, as soon as they are received, regardless of whether they are converted to valuable fuel which burns with no pollution (Because it was made with mathematically positive energy), or even food (See "Solein"), or if it just reduced someone's energy bill a little, all of it is valuable product, which has a valuable effect in the economy, which is not being monetised by money issued as debt.
If this is not done, then all the financial crashes seen in history will seem like nothing, compared with what happens next, with nothing changed.
Nature is going to slam us relly hard with this one, if we do not do what is being dictated to us now by that force, greater than any human authority.
I've been studying this since seeing it coming around six years ago on related PhD candidate research, after nearly thirty years working as a Systems Engineer on many energy related systems.
We are actually far closer to extinction than most folk realise, but the value of money is the one thing that we can't ignore, and there is a simple way out, just issue massive stimulus, honestly identified as money representing the Joules of energy being received from sunlight. Will we take it? Who knows, all I know is our survival absolutely depends on it.