What about folk for whom this doesn't apply? In my own case I was raised by someone suffering from profound mental illness, not her fault, but she was not capable of expressing love in the conventional sense, in fact often it felt like the opposite. But I never stopped loving her, god bless her soul. In any case, its estimated there are already tens of thousands of kids left without parents already in Gaza, for example, if they survive at all.
It isn't a hateful god imposing that misery on innocents, its hateful humans, even using "God" as justification, "Remember the Amalek", not my words, I think you probably know or can guess who's words they are.
Anyhow, none of it makes me believe any less in a loving god, it is loss of faith in the loving god of the cosmos, which is at the root of all the problems, it seems to me, and I am not the only one believing this.
Frankly, it's scraping the bottom of the barrel, to try to psychologically smear folk's image of god, by comparing god with a pedophile. Is that what modern "scientific" philosophy has been reduced to?