We've seen something similar in UK and Europe, for a number of years. We started much smaller, so had much more scope for vehicles to expand. The "Mini" is a classic example, if you put the original mini next to the current BMW version of it, there is a huge difference. Not just that, but it is built to look even bigger than it is, BMW are masters of making smaller cars look bigger in the rear view mirror.
Anyhow the frequency of traffic has gone back up, regardless of size, after the lull during covid.
As long as profit drives everything, we will drive.
So if we really want to make a difference, we have to remove the need for people to work.
We saw how to do it during covid.
Stimulus, UBI.
I've shown how it is fully sustainable by being solar indexed UBI, even correcting inflation, because there is now hundreds of billions of unmonetised economic product created from solar since 2005.
Every year it multiplies and accumulates, and as long as it isn't issued, the value of money has to slide.
This is maybe the real secret your oil companies, utilities energy companies, and banks don't want you to know.
They are losing all their business to it. Notice also solar powered Ai is eating up nearly all activity previously done for money, offering it up for free.
At what point, will they admit, money has to be issued for free product?
Soon as that happens, as it inevitably has to, we will see oil prices go negative again, staying negative.
Then we will have much less traffic on the roads, only enthusiasts and far flung folk, and their cars will be powered by hydrogen, which cleans both air and water in use, whilst lowering planetary temperature, the opposite of what was done by burning fossil fuels. Also, this will avoid the scourge of lithium mining that would have to happen if hydrogen tech was not already with us.
Further, since a solar indexed UBI will defuse most crime, far less folk will feel like they have to buy huge weapon cars.
I write a lot about all of this. I think it's inevitable.