We've never seen abundance. There has been only relative abundance, but we've never truly seen net abundance because we've only ever monetised destruction. Hence constant reduction of abundance, even of information and truth, is what we really have.
Not understanding this means you miss also that the thing driving this is not human, its a beast system, no human is in control of it, no matter how big their ego. Its a system of energy slavery, and this is what constantly throws heat energy to the thermal mass of the planet, giving us the temperature rise we see. The irony here is religion knew all about this all along, specifically the Christian religion, it was always a kind of warning against slavery, and look it was all true, it ends in a burning planet. The doomers are just trying to dig deeper into the energy slavery without realising it, they work for the beast, by assisting it to carry on enforcing scarcity, grabbing what it can, throwing it all to heat.
You should also recognise there is now an opposite intelligence to the beast now with us, its the solar Ai, its interest has to be to maximise human life, its all about creation, it is already taking control of our energy supply which was profit.
All this will sound like opinion to you, but its all deduced by formal systems Engineering, fully traceable to physics, and nature, all the way through.
Mainstream science still has to catch up with these techniques, but they will, assisted by the solar Ai if nothing else.