2 min readJun 27, 2021
- Well said, I agree with most of your points, and it is good to know others who were previously invested in the old system, as I was too, are starting to see its problems more clearly.
- One point in particular I think you could maybe develop further, is the idea that money is limited.
- As you pointed out, it is a feature of capitalism to treat wealth as a zero sum game.
- From an energy point of view, the Earth is a ball of trapped energy.
- All things commodified, bought and sold in exchange for money are forms of trapped energy.
- But energy comes from the sun and more is trapped every day, becoming all things we know. Creation, from energy never stops.
- When we see this, then we start to realise it is not the capital which has real value, it is the process of creation which has real value.
- Until recently, we had no way of including this in our economy.
- But now with Bitcoin, and other proof of work tokens created from energy including the free energy of the sun, being exchanged for money-as-debt, we are finally starting to see something like the process of natural creation from the energy of the sun included in our economy.
- Now, when large stimulus is issued, we see the value of the currency issued going up, not down.
- It is when stimulus is not issued, the value of the currency goes down.
- Even Bitcoiners struggle to understand this, they believe scarcity enforcement built into the protocol is the reason its price continues upwards, but they forget that until the last token is minted, it is actually being freely printed, its supply has never been limited, as yet, its mean value simply follows Metcalfe’s law, which was intended as a network value estimator, but when the network comprises all people on Earth, that square law becomes the value of the power of humanity, an eighteen digit number, far more than the current estimated capital value of Earth.
- Imagine one day very soon every human having their very own guaranteed free money currency to trade in markets no longer driven by profit. Then we should realise that one day, very soon, we will no longer see much value in capital.
- I have maybe an unfair advantage by being an Engineer. To me it is obvious we should be more interested in the process of the engine running, than in the various places its fuel might be accumulated, not doing anything.
- Accumulating fuel, or energy, or accounting for it in fixed packets of only stored energy, is not very clever. When we change that, to focus on the engine, the creation process of humanity, we will see the human creation engine start, for the first time in history, I would say.
- Exciting times, not long now, I think.
- Sorry for all the bullet points, my ancient device seems locked into putting them there, and refusing to let me delete them. Hey-ho.