Well said. It seems to me there are many in Bitcoin with the mentality that bitcoin represents capital, when actually it represents energy supply, that is energy from the sun, the free Joules of which technically will destroy all capital. Hence I still say Bitcoin could be the Kardashev Hinge.
The problem with the capitalist mindset is that it automatically leads to all with capital competing with one another to maximise the value of their own, or their tribe's "stash". This by nature is centralisation, we might recognise various drives to take control of things like Bitcoin as just that. To have or obtain the power to take control, would-be controllers must have concentrated energy, to have the power to win wars waged against those who don't have the same. So we should see the move by El Salvador to embrace Bitcoin as its preferred currency was good, until they decided to try to take control of Bitcoin with its "Volcano Bonds", which are just promises to pay, to the value of the entire bitcoin market value at the time, and we know now that every promise to pay is in effect ultimately a promise to extract.
What it did, was derail bitcoin somewhat from its path towards the Kardashev Hinge, and that is still manifesting as an impact in markets.
The real value in Bitcoin is knowing what its true purpose and destiny is, it seems to me, and folk like Max Keiser, who has a very classic capitalist mindset, made a big mistake when they came up with the volcano bond. The mindset we need to move to, to fix all of the problems of capitalism might be called energyism. We should see we need to do this to survive as a species, and part of doing that is issuing money on the free Joules received from the sun, which physically dilutes all capital, which we should recognise is what Bitcoin always did anyway, it monetises Joules of energy. When those Joules are donated to us for free, as they are uniquely from the sun, then it does it for free. Sorry for rambling, sometimes I need to revisit these things to refresh the concepts in my own mind, but I hope it helps others too. I am not financially invested in Bitcoin, all I have invested is the time taken to understand where it sits it in the world energy problem, which I've been working on for about 5 years now, as a practicing systems Engineer of almost thirty years.