Well done Peter, I wish you all the best and hope you raise the money needed to get you on your way. I would offer to contribute but my own crowdfunder, after being on the path self funded for about seven years since embarking from phd candidate work after already a long career systems Engineering, has failed, leaving me somewhat scrabbling around in the absence of all possibilites of conventional (for-profit) work now I dared questioned the whole for-profit system.
Hence why I argue we need solar indexed stimulus, with the "money-fuel tree" architecture of ChatGPT 3.5 to supply the energy to it all, we need to get the truly beneficial, pro-life / creation projects funded, more than anything. This is where it has to go, to start winding back the increase of entropy that we've done over the past few thousand years of living by the enegy lie of profit, desertifying the planet since even before we went to fossil fuels.