We should notice that things promised by the system of profit tend not to appear, especially things promised in the distant future, that is more than maybe ten years or so.
The reasons for that are complex, a whole story on their own, but the outcome is that it makes it almost impossible to really predict anything, no matter how meticulous our calculations.
What we can do, knowing that, is to look for things likely to positively disrupt, and add our support to them, in whichever way we can.
Something really disruptive at the moment, is proof of work tokens in the solar energy reception chain.
We should recogniise that energy received from the sun is energy added to the capital of Earth, all of which is stored energy, which is what we normally consume.
So by adding solar power we are actually increasing the rate of "charging" of the capital of Earth by sunlight.
So we should see that the capital of Earth is not fixed, therefore a piece of gold, or a KWh of energy, or a barrel of oil for example, is not truly a fixed share of the capital of Earth.
The more solar power we add, the more acute this effect becomes.
And yet solar power is the only kind that fixes our problem, talking about renewables makes no sense at all, energy is not renewable, it never was, it all comes from the sun, so that is what we have to focus on increasing, and even switching to entirely.
We should be careful to note that the ever rising prices of proof of work tokens, relative to fiat currencies, combined with their business model of creation, automatically seeks out the "Cheapest" forms of power, which is solar, since that is the only one which is donated to our planet, in addition to the capital already here.
With this accepted, we can quickly move on to realising that proof of work tokens are actually money-as-sunlight, which is absolutely free, and yet more valuable than money-as-debt, as we are seeing in markets.
This is the fundamental reason that proof-of-work tokens are actually not any kind of Ponzi, but the opposite, the antidote to the Grand Energy Ponzi (The idea that we can live from the stored energy of Earth forever)
Free money created by sunlight is actually valued higher in markets than money created by Banks.
Of course the Banks, and the entire profit driven system wish that wasn't true, but it is physical reality, and the end of the profit driven system.
So, if we look again at the business case of setting up a small solar powered community, we see a break point, where the amount of new money generated, which increases as we increase the amount of power collected, starts to equal the amount of old money invested.
Beyond that point, no further old money is needed in our fledgling solar community, it is funded entirely by sunlight from that point on.
The facility can then be expanded free of any further old money to include manufacture of green hydrogen, which can be used to cleanly power all things previously powered by fossil fuels, removing even the need for batteries.
The facility can be freely further expanded to include C02 disposal by solar array furnaces, all free of any requirement of old money, and all generating no pollution.
Finally, the facility can be freely further expanded, to pay other people to stop polluting, to pay all old world debts, to stop committing crime, to stay at home when asked to lockdown, and to start contributing to the expansion of something really good.
We might recognise such a facility, and community, as something like a tree in nature, it grows entirely from sunlight, and fuels all life, even other trees, from the energy of the sun.
See how this positively disrupts the conventional argument?