We have a lot in common! I too have found disconnecting is useful strategy. I tend to just switch my phone off, but take it anyway, switching it on only when I need to use it, otherwise the damn thing will transmit your every movement to anyone wishing to chase you down, and when they engage with you, it tends to be always at your expense, their benefit. They chase us to steal our energy, and I mean that literally. Profit is energy. They do it without even realising they do it, they work for the system as energy-slave ants without really understanding it. There are some exceptions, a few genuine angels we can depend on, but spotting them is difficult without scaring them off, or them scaring us off.
Anyhow, where we differ is I think there will be salvation, the majority will very suddenly see the truth of how to fix this problem, the problem of lies, based on the energy lie of profit at the root of it all, Enshittopia where we all were living until the physical world started blow up, burn, and flood around us. Soon we will be able to come out of isolation, I think.
Was funny to see your daughter has as good a sense of humor as you :)
I apreciate what you write, its always valuable, but I would forget any ideas of putting it to paper, that old business has to be added to the list of things destroying the planet, the resources that go into that is crazy, paper is incredibley expensive to the planet, whereas data captured as pure energy, provided it is the truth, as in your own case, can come direct from the sun, requiring no resources, with the opposite effect of heating the planet, it cools, we even have phsyical proof of this. Evergy bit of information (Truth, not lies!) created from sunlight, is energy that would have been heat, removed from the sunlight:
Maybe one day some bright spark might come up with alternative paper made from hydrogen, like they already came up with food from hydrogen (See "Solein"), another thing that removes heat energy from sunlight, without taking resource from the planet, but until then, I'd stick with just capturing your thoughts electronically :)
Did I mention I have developed a bizarre eyesight / mental problem, which has made it more or less impossible for me to read or write from paper, but I am still able to read and write electronically with active screens?
Its true, I really can't deal with written paper any longer, I have to have angels help me with that now, and I am eternally grateful to them for their help.