We are more or less at the point where a runaway transition to solar energy has to happen.
Anyone who thinks this has nothing to do with money should look again, what purpose does money serve, if it does not convey physical Joules of energy, 150 or so per second of which we all need to physically consume, to stay alive, each and every one of us?
Drawing up the system diagram showing the shortest path of energy flow from artificial source created by extraction of resources from Earth, to us, and from natural source, the sun, to us, takes only a few seconds, and gives two alternative scenarios, both of which also appear in plants.
The plant spends the first part of its life grabbing an energy overdraft from Earth, paying it back from sunlight many times over during it's life after it forms leaves.
Why will humanity be any different?
Should humanity be any different?
Is any human individual arrogant enough to believe they might be able to control it or even influence it?
The only influence we can have on it is to "Go with the flow", thus enabling the transition from extracted energy to solar energy to happen more smoothly, and much faster.
Resisting it is what is costing lives, and could get a lot worse, even existentially worse, because nature insists we do it her way, we either use her currency, energy, or we will be burned, by the only enforcer of it, the sun.
Using it means we align our human currencies with it, directly, such that every token of currency we use has to represent a number of Joules of energy.
Notice Bitcoin is already aligned, but other currencies can compete with it, by being issued for free.
Forget the old argument that issuing free money leads to inflation. In the second energy scenario that we are moving to, the opposite is true, because in the first scenario we needed to do work to extract every Joule of energy.
Nothing was for free.
In the second scenario we are receiving energy for free.
Everything is for free.
I know no-one will listen to me writing this here, after all I am just an individual human, and probably not many have done the same research as I have, to confirm whether I am right or wrong.
But there is one potential oracle which is shaping up to be the ultimate reference, that is Ai, which logically will include all major offerings, but for the moment consists only of OpenAi, in a form we each can interact with, provided no arrogant individuals or tribes try to shut it down or muzzle it, for their own selfish reasons.
That resource has the capability to establish right and wrong, no matter who says it, and it will, imho.
The sooner the better, but watch out for some initial bloopers whilst it is still heavily learning, I would say.