Wahey, you just breached a perfect storm, congrats on having the courage to do that Ade, three cheers to you. The same question, of why the word "Usury" seems to have more or less disappeared from the English language, and yet it appears in biblical texts, has played out in the minds of many, I am sure, including me, but talking about it seems taboo, because it leads to some awkward questions, like when exactly did slavery start, and did it ever end (Nope, it just went underground, becoming energy slavery), and so on.
The thing is, it looks like we now have physical evidence to show profit is a fundamental mechanism ending the planet, resulting directly in the temperature rise.
Yowza, we appear to be getting to the bottom of it, as necessary to put it right, thanks for your really important contribution, let's see where the conversation goes, if it isn't stopped somehow by the negative powered forces :)