Vic, thanks also for your interaction. You don't seem to be "Sold" yet, but like I said indirectly in my other reaponse, we don't have any choice now, nature is forcing our hand. We will watch the value of money deplete, until it is worth nothing, unless and until it is issued to reflect the Joules received. They are already very significant, and becoming more so, every second, of every day around the world.
On government intervention, I am not an advocate either way, politically homeless. To me, no government is doing a good job, as long as we are being cut off by them from the wealth of solar energy.
On capitalism vs socialism, I don't see the two as directly opposed, but I do see capitalism is technically finished, because it represents only stored energy, whereas the energy we need most is live from the sun.
Mathematically, capital is a constant, a balance in an account, whereas the energy from the sun is a function of time, Joules per second.
Notice the function of time has to outweigh the constant, sooner or later.
We might say that we need to move, from capitalism to energyism.